I had a lot of thoughts swirl around in my head this week. I want to elaborate on so many things and educate you all on what I know and believe in. However, a lot of these ideas required more time and attention then I was able to give them so I found myself forcing incomplete pieces for tomorrows article. After speaking to a friend about this block he gave me some fantastic advice, which essentially was “be honest.”
The way he worded this advice allowed me to become aware of the issue. I was lacking inspiration.
Inspiration, that was what I needed. So now, I want to share some inspiration with you. I want to share some of the people that inspire me and I want to hear back from you as well.
Inspiration leads to motivation – and motivation is cultivated daily. Find the right people to be inspired by, the people that help YOU feel good and want to take action, and then go take that action. I hope you will be inspired by the videos and reading recommendations below 🙂
Of course – my teacher Ido with the video that put him on most peoples map!
Ido Portal
Exuberant Animal – Frank Forencich
Click here. A must read for anyone interested in health and movement!
Colin O’Brady
Colin O’Brady is a professional endurance athlete, motivational speaker and adventurer. He is a three-time world record holder, and just became the first person in the world to travel across Antarctica unassisted. In 2016 he set the Explorers Grand Slam and Seven Summits speed records.
*Description taken from youtube.
There are a lot of gems in this one. Colin is the type of person who makes you want to go do something great!
Odelia Goldschmidt
From a car accident that she miraculously survived to one of the most impressive movers I have ever met. She is most definitely an inspiring figure.
Her journey back from many injuries. Read by clicking here.
I think it is important to expose you all to people who have influenced me, and although there are many more, I will leave it at that today for you to explore. Go cultivate your motivation!